Category Archives: Gaza Projects

أحلام مستهدفة – Targeted dreams

أحلام مستهدفة – Targeted dreams

“أحلام مستهدفة”

“سولار فود للأغذية الجافة” هي فكرة ريادية تدعمها الحاضنة الفلسطينية “بيكتي”، وهي فكرة ريادية فلسطينية تقوم بتصميم نموذج أولي لآلة تجفيف الطعام باستخدام مضخة حرارية هجينة بالطاقة الشمسية تعتمد على مصدرين للطاقة لإنتاج أصناف مختلفة من المنتجات المجففة.

تقول هنادي أبو هربيد، صاحبة هذه الفكرة، إن المزارعين وأصحاب شركات تجفيف الأطعمة الذين يديرون مشاريعهم يعانون من نقص في توفير الطاقة بطريقة تحافظ في الوقت نفسه على جودة المنتجات.

هنادي تعيش في غزة، وهي مدينة تتعرض لقصف عنيف يوميًا منذ بدء الحرب.

تتمنى “بيكتي” لها ولعائلتها وجميع أهل قطاع غزة السلامة، ولهنادي النجاح في تحقيق أحلامها”

Targeted dreams..
“From Solar Energy to Delectable Dried Goods” is a groundbreaking entrepreneurial endeavor championed by PICTI. It stands as an entrepreneurial concept to develop a prototype for food dehydration, employing a solar hybrid heat pump dehydrator that draws energy from two sources to craft an array of dried products.
Hanadi Abu Harbid, the visionary behind this startup, highlights a pressing issue faced by farmers and proprietors of drying enterprises, as they struggle with energy inefficiency, compromising the quality of their products.
Hanadi resides in Gaza, a region enduring daily intense bombings since the onset of conflict.
PICTI wishes her and her family, and all the people of Gaza safety, and Hanadi success in achieving her dreams.”



PICTI in partnership with the Agricultural Development Association signed an agreement to conduct the project of “The technological innovation as a gateway to overcoming the challenges facing the agricultural sector in the Gaza Strip”, funded by The Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development and the supervision of the Welfare Association.


Main Objective: Empower young people economically and facilitate their integration into the labor market, as well as to develop productive projects in the agricultural sector.

Implementation Methodology: The project is designed to provide solutions that will create an enabling environment in which young agricultural and technological leaders can make contributions to help provide innovative pilot solutions to overcome the challenges faced by agricultural production projects. This will contribute to increasing the productivity of SMEs and enhance their continuity and contribution to the local economy; The project includes the selection of 80 young agricultural specialists and the building of their capacity in labor market entry skills, of whom 50 would be selected and given three months’ temporary employment after being provided with job guidance sessions to enable them to choose the best career path.

Implementation Methodology:

The project is designed to provide solutions that will create an enabling environment in which young agricultural and technological leaders can make contributions to help provide innovative pilot solutions to overcome the challenges faced by agricultural production projects. This will contribute to increasing the productivity of SMEs and enhance their continuity and contribution to the local economy; The project includes the selection of 80 young agricultural specialists and the building of their capacity in labor market entry skills, of whom 50 would be selected and given three months’ temporary employment after being provided with job guidance sessions to enable them to choose the best career path.

Incubation Process:

Output of the Course:

  • Using technology and entrepreneurship to respond to the challenges of the agricultural sector
  • More than 150 people received awareness of entrepreneurship and the importance of integrating technology into agriculture
  • 20 startups and entrepreneurial ideas that have provided them with the necessary skills to develop business plans and models for entrepreneurial projects
  • 7 projects received grants to start the implementation for their ideas
  • 50 agricultural engineers have been given.

Summer Code

"Summer Code" Training

This is a training program implemented by PALTEL Group, sponsored by Jawwal, hosted by PICTI, aimed at developing the technical skills in the use of programming in schools aged between 14 and 16 for approximately 150 students.


  • Develop the capacity of trainees on web development and direct them to use programming to develop themselves and their future.
  • Promote the language of dialogue and active participation, as well as the exchange of experiences among participants and the enrichment of their knowledge.
  • Prepare participants about the educational and professional future for them in the areas of information technology.
  • Encouraging participants to use computers and programming to serve society and build a better future

Target audience:

The program targeted male and female students aged between 14 and 16 from the Gaza Strip, with skills, primary knowledge in computer fundamentals and programming.

Implementation methodology:

The training methodology was based on a clear and serious methodology that aims to accomplish real-life tasks, active participation, perseverance in presenting ideas, presenting proposals and working together.


Output of the course:

  • In the course of the periodic follow-up process, the staff of the incubator made it clear how satisfied the participants were with the training camp, and how well they developed the skills and knowledge of the trainees in the basics of the programming languages to be trained. CSS-HTML-JS was one of the most proficient languages and had a range of successful practical experiences with the participation of trainers.
  • The training outputs were not limited to this, but there was a range of distinctive outputs, the most important of which was the participation of trainees in a range of technological leadership ideas and how these ideas could be applied through the technical area (from the concept to an integrated software project).
  • At the end of the training, all trainees were able to produce their own language basics project (CSS-HTML-JS).