Greetings from the Palestine Information and Communications Technology Incubator (PICTI).
It is our pleasure to introduce the Fourth Edition of our Newsletter “PICTI BuzzFeed”. This September, PICTI announced the “Call for Proposals for ICT solutions applied to Green Economy”. The Objective of this Call-for-Proposal is the creation of an ICT solution that focuses on improving human well-being as well as reducing environmental risks.
In addition, PICTI hosted the “Awareness Event to Break Discriminatory Imaginaries” which shed light on the success stories of Palestinian women in the ICT sector, the challenges they faced during their entrepreneurial journey, and the impact of these difficulties on their lives and the community around them. The event aimed to identify the mechanisms needed to direct public opinion towards supporting entrepreurship for Palestinian women, and how to overcome any obstacles they encounter. PICTI also organized the “Elimination of Gender-Based Violence and Discrimination in the World of Work” workshop, which addressed the forms of gender-based violence within the Palestinian society, and came up with the most important recommendations that can be followed in our society in order to contribute for greater gender equality and empowerment of women socially, politically, and economically.
This issue also presents Ms. Manar Younes, founder and owner of “Jeeda” one of PICTI’s incubated startups. Ms. Younes retells her journey as a female entrepreneur striving to preserve and protect Palestinian heritage via its first-of-its-kind virtual market, as well as help women in vulnerable and marginalized communities achieve economic independence.
You can find all further details in the attached Newsletter.
You can also check out a snippet of the awareness event here: