Strengthening Digital Media and Information Competencies in Times of Covid-19 [Finished]

Strengthening Digital Media and Information Competencies in Times of Covid-19

PICTI, implemented the project “Strengthening Digital Media and Information Competencies in Times of COVID-19, in support with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)”.

This project aimed to allow Palestinian citizens to have the necessary media and information competencies to use digital spaces safely and ensure that they are protected against misinformation in general and specifically about COVID-19.

The objectives of the project included improving the populations, especially marginalized groups of citizens, competencies of the safe use of digital technologies and applications. The project also aimed to increase the awareness of Palestinian citizens regarding the mechanisms and effects of systematic disinformation and fake news in the context of COVID-19 as well as regarding strategies to critically assess information and sources on the internet.

Implemented Activities:

  • Digital Literacy Training Workshops:
    Develop, implement and maintain Vocational digital literacy training workshops which was able to reach 533 individuals, across the 4 targeted groups:





Women with no academic background

Women running a household and raising children

Youths from marginalized communities

Municipality staff

  • Print and distribute 2,435 digital awareness Kit-Books (609 Kit-Book/ Activity).
    The Kit-books were developed as a guideline on digital literacy basic skills, targeting the 4 aforementioned groups. The Kit-books focused on introducing the available online tools and platforms in various sectors, on understanding the mechanisms and effects of systematic disinformation, and covered the different aspects of awareness raising in terms of basic digital skills and access to digital resources by using the E-content properly

  • Launch of Awareness Digital Literacy Media Campaign.
    The Media campaign reached 2,241,555 through multimedia platforms including TV, radio, news reports, and online platforms, raising awareness and strengthening Digital Media and Information Competencies in Times of COVID-19. This activity included 4 TV episodes of “Digital Window-Nafitha Raqmeya” talk show, 10 TV episodes, 20 awareness raising online spots, as-well-as 10 radio spots focusing on a variety of topics and targeting the different groups of society, all under the umbrella of Digital Literacy.